How Box Breathing Might Change Your Life

box breathing, four square breathing

Before we get to how box breathing might change your life, I’ll mention this is a bit of an addendum to my last post about getting better sleep (especially in middle age). If you haven’t read that yet, the post can be found here.

Anxiety can keep you from sleeping

You’ve been there before. Tired, exhausted, ready for bed, yet you find yourself tossing and turning unable to fall asleep. The mental hamster wheel just won’t let your body nod off.

Counting sheep doesn’t really work for me.

Box breathing (also called 4-square breathing) does.

Box breathing can help you sleep

What is box breathing? It’s simply regulating your breathing rhythm with a specified count for inhaling and exhaling. Plus you add a hold in between each inhale and exhale.


inhale to a count of 5  //  hold your breath for a count of 5

exhale to a count of 5  //  hold your breath for a count of 5

See the “box?”

Initially, the count number doesn’t make that much difference. Just find whatever’s comfortable. You can increase the count with practice.

It’s often associated with meditation techniques, but can be used as a stand-alone practice.

Benefits of box breathing

  • Reduces anxiety
  • Increases brain elasticity – think improved blood flow and reduced mental stimulation
  • Enhances learning and skill development
  • Increases attention and concentration ability

Basically, by regulating the autonomic nervous system, box breathing can calm nerves and relieve stress…and help you fall asleep.

Elite tactical units like the Navy Seals utilize this technique to reduce anxiety and improve performance.

While I may not be part of an elite tactical unit, I use box breathing every night when I go to bed, especially after I’ve had “a day.” Just last night my brain was in high gear with projects, tasks, curiosities, and puzzling problems. I only made it through a few cycles before I began to nod off.

But don’t think it’s only about getting to sleep at night. You can utilize box breathing during a stressful afternoon at work, in the middle of a heated argument, or when life throws you a mean curveball.

Give box breathing a try. Just might change your life in some small amazing way.

Stay Maniacal!
